I finally bought a bottle of my favorite cognac, and I've been in much better spirits since.

You are probably asking yourself ‘why in the world would anyone need a pun generator?’. Well, this isn’t a generator in the strictest sense of the word. A generator would create puns from random words based on some programmable parameters. This, however, samples original puns* from a pre-written library - so, ‘pun randomizer’ or a ‘pun picker’ may be a more appropriate name?

But, as Shakespeare said, what’s in a pun…err…name? The sole purpose of this website is to bring the following into the world - laughs, groans, eye rolls, head shakes, or any combination of the aforementioned reactions. Take a few minutes off, generate a pun or ten, share it with others (via the handy Facebook button below), and have a laugh. We all need it!

*Disclaimer: Any resemblance or similarity to existing puns, good or bad, already published or still a work in progress, is purely coincidental."
